Forward Planning

I decided quite a while ago I don’t really DO the New Year thing.   I like the fireworks, but I’m not really into crowds, kissing strangers and Aul Lang Syne.  And anyway, it’s just man made numbers, a hook on which to hang the passage of time, and get our taxes paid regularly. (Sorry, this sounds like a cue for a grumpy old woman alert!)  We decided quite a while ago to turn our year around at the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, a more satisfactory arrangement in tune with the natural order, and with the promise of longer days ahead.  This is celebrated with close friends with much jollity, silliness, good food and wine.   So my new year has already started.

However, having said that, there is much to be said for a review of the past year when looking at the last page of the diary and seeing the unsullied fresh pages of 2010.   If I have a resolution it is to procrastinate less, and to be more creative.  (If you’ve heard this one before, don’t all shout at once, I’ll be deafened!)

The big project for the next few weeks is a humdinger – a NEW STUDIO!  I have a little shed which was great before I overflowed out of it  into every room of the house.  Now I have to find somewhere to store it’s contents (it has turned into a glorified cupboard) so it can be dismantled and transported to a new home leaving space for – the NEW STUDIO!  So much hangs on this because I have been struggling for so long with not having all my materials and equipment easily accessible.  by the time I’ve tracked down every thing I need to realise an idea, I’ve run out of time, or energy or inspiration.  I’ll also gain space in the house, and it might (might) just stay a little tidier …well I can dream…

I’m off now, to pack a box or two, but I shall leave you with a little puzzle.  This is  my Christmas present from my dear friend Kit, who is also my creative partner in crime.  What do you suppose it is?  Do leave me your guesses…

…and in the meantime I hope that 2010 brings you everything you could wish for, see you in the next decade!